winged Ace Of Spades Logo

winged Ace Of Spades Logo

Friday, April 15, 2011


i have entered the 1/48th scale Revell Ace Of Spades P-51D Mustang, i don't know if she will win anything, but i really don't mind if she does not. i have always wanted to enter her into a contest, and now i get too, which is awesome! i think its cool i get to enter her, i think the model itself can also represent what Modeling is really about... FUN! its not about being exact, its about doing something you like. and i like putting my own spin on things, so there... well remember, enter the SMA Big Spring contest, go to... entry is not much, the rules are posted, there are multiple categories, just do it, what have you got to loose!

Atoms favorite place to fly the Ace Of Spades was over the mountains, he loved flying through the vallies and over the peaks, zooming dangerously close down the mountain sides as if to ride down them! Enemy pilots would become greatly confused, as he appeared to re appear and disappear from view.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

After catching him not only shooting at helpless parachuted bomber crew and pilots, i cought him shooting down a P-38. his aircraft was all black with a bright yellow nose and red tail with a swastica in a white circle. we engaged in a dogfight ending in a turning fight following into a slow entering direct climb, all in rapid success...ion first birst caused some damage but none noticeable, second birst caused white smoke to flow, third burst caused thick Grey smoke to billow, and the last after i knew i had him was a chain of ammo let loose and his aircraft burst into a massive fireball and its right wing detached. we both where suspended in the vertical as he slipped below me both our airspeeds dropped, he slipped below me first, i hammer head stall turned and followed in his uncontroled dive, he baled before the airplane could start spinning too fast to bale and before the flames enveluped his airplane.

as he baled i pulled out of the dive and turned a wide circle, and started to fly directly towards him, with the crosshairs fixed on him, wondering weither i should pull the trigger, instead i fired just above his parachute, i was not going to fall to his level... then tore buy him with my prop mear inches from his dangling feat, im sure the wind form the aircraft and prop wash must have tossed him and his little parachute all over, and i am sure my Rolls Royce Packard Merlin must have shook him to his very core... if he lives.. he will remember!

Friday, February 4, 2011

hay guys whats up, this is my first time here so if anyone shows, just do what ever you guys doo, i also have a tublr but dont use it much, and i guess its kind of similar to a blogger... but i like blogger better by what i see.

so i do a lot of modeling, soon i will post some of my models, videos, and such and so forth, alrighty then, take care.